
OuR ColouRful WoRld

Listen and read this story...

Billy and Splodge are in a spaceship. They are visiting lots of colourful planets. What strange creatures do Billy and Splodge find on the planets?

OvEr The MounTainS

Let's sing a song about means of transport!!

"He's driving a car, riding a horse...he's going over the mountains and through the trees!..."

The RiveR

Animals were important to the ancient Egyptians.

Listen to a song about all the animals living along the river. You can do the actions too!

Let'S PracTicE AdjEctiVes

Adjectives Antonyms Opposites

Practice Adjectives Antonyms (Opposites): tall, short, old, young, weak, strong... Click on the picture and play!

Adjectives and Antonyms Sentences 

Practice Adjectives, Opposites (Antonyms) Sentences: (I'm short. you'r tall etc.).

WelCome BaCk To SchooL

Keep calm and welcome back to school